
from our hearts...

A little while ago, through Flickr I met Debs Ivelja and Joanna Brown. These two girls are gorgeous, funny, talented and in love with photography just as much as I am. We've got to know each other pretty well over the past few months and we speak regularly offering support and advice to each other and both of them have now second shot for me at weddings.
When photography became my job I stopped taking photos for myself so much...I was so busy that I didn't want to add to the workload.... but I think it's important, not only for your personal development but also to keep things fresh, to try things out and to keep being inspired. With this in mind we decided to organise a regular weekend away and do something together and with that 'From our hearts' was born. It's simply a chance for us to get together, ask questions, support each other and to keep taking pictures for ourselves... which is what we adore doing.
For our first trip we decided to go camping. It was a chance for us to relax, talk and try things without the pressure of it being paid work. It sounded great but when we arrived so did the rain. Literally ALL weekend it rained... did I mention that it rained?... I think it might have stopped twice but most of the time we were just soaked through... so in the end there was far more hot chocolate drinking than picture taking but we still had a ball and it was really lovely to just get away for a few days. We're currently in the process of setting up a blog where all three of us are free to post and we are planning to do our weekend trip every year and maybe upgrade the weekend each time. We're all really looking forward to the year we go to Hawaii.

Over the weekend I decided to do some experimenting on my 5D so this is my little video of our little weekend....(and it includes eggs which makes me very happy)...

From our hearts..... from Emma Case on Vimeo.


  1. your 5D is beautiful Emma!
    looks like you had an absolutely splendid time!

  2. Oh, I do hate camping and the rain, but you made it look so much fun. I think I love you, Emma Case.

  3. fabulous stuff Emma, it looks really delightful x

  4. Looks fantastic! So much fun. Love the video, too.

  5. AMAZING and it was that much fun ~ just imagine when the sunshines how much fun we will have... love you Em, love you Debs. x x x

  6. These piccies are bootiful and wow you girls look like your having a blast - i so want to go camping again now hehe! LOVED the vid too - uber amazing x x x

  7. That is such a fantastic idea, getting away with likeminded people to do something you love. The video was lovely!

  8. Oh Miss Case! What can I say! This is so utterly amazing! I adore you both and cannot wait for the next trip :)

  9. lovely post Emma! and look at you rocking the video side of things too well done!! :)

  10. I love this post and I now want to go camping!
    You girls rock and I love how you have formed such fantastic bonds through photography.
    Hope I am just as lucky one day

  11. This looks a lot more warm and cosy than my experiences of camping!

  12. YOur making me teary..coz i know if I were just nearby..i'm sooo there,too with yah gurls hanginggg out!!!! why is UK so darn far? or why am i living out here in Singapore? ugh!!!

    But seriously, I wish i was there! glad to see how fun you gurls rocked it even with the rain!!! =)


  13. Aww, I wanna do this in Perth. It looks like you had such a lovely weekend to relax and revitalize :)

  14. I absolutely adore the first shot of that hand and that window. So poetic. And the B&W are so relaxed and intimate. Beautiful post.

  15. i saw the link to this on my etsy feedback page. what a cute video, i really like that song as well! you look so cute in your headband incognito :)

  16. Such beautiful images. As always.

  17. For some reason I can't get sound when watching Vimeo videos (have no problems with You Tube, weirdly). Looked like a great weekend though x

  18. Very educational information, especially the fifth sentences.

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