april wish list...
It's officially the first day of Summer! Wahooooooo! The sun is shining.. and 4 degrees is definitely an improvement.. hell that's shorts weather surely?!? So I'm looking ahead to warmer days, longer evenings, bike rides, walks in the park, skirts without tights and open toe shoes.. blimey I think we're all ready for it..
A) My new Wash bag B) ONA Camera Bag C) Just Dandy Skirt
D) Daisy in Mustard E) Bella
agnes and norman,
Alphabet Bags,
Begs Bicycles,
wish list
life lately.. {march}
But apart from the apocalyptic weather March has been pretty pleasant..
So the carpet in the house is down and life has gone back to normal after 'decorate all the things' phase. I'm not going to lie.. we have probably finished 80% of it but the 20% that is left to do are the types of jobs that probably never get done.. so hey.. lets see if by October any of them will be finished..

So it was my Birthday this month and just like Christmas, me and Pete don't tend to do much in terms of present buying for each other so instead I spent the morning in town buying bits of makeup and the nicest navy and white striped dress from Primark.. (I actually saw it on a guest at a wedding recently and asked her where she got it.. this tends to happen at least once at every wedding).. I also got the lovely coral suede shoes from Accessorize (I now just need the weather to go with them). I also got some lovely surprises in the post too.. the mug is from the lovely Veronica Dearly (I love it as it incorporates two of my favourite things.. eggs and tea).. and a lovely photo album from the Shutterbox kids.. which I decided to fill with all our wedding polaroids.
Me and Pete then headed down to London for my friend Rachel Simpson's new shoe collection launch. We shot her new collection, agnes and norman in Brighton back in February and walking in and seeing all the imagery alongside her gorgeous shoes.. well, it just makes you feel all warm inside.. :) I'm going to do a full post on the collection soon but, just beware ladies.. and gents.. you're going to want every single pair. To top it off the launch was at the beautiful shop Lucy in Disguise which was literally the worst place to put me.. ;) I came out with the most beautiful dress that I literally cannot stop looking at.. and I think it might actually have been made for me.. :)
We also managed to squeeze in a wedding fair right at the end of March and we'd been secretly planning our stand for a while now.. we had a great time at EWE.. the other suppliers were wonderful and we had such a lovely day meeting people.. and the best thing about it? Oh my goodness.. I HAVE MY FRIGGIN' NAME IN LIGHTS!! Ha ha! The amazing Vowed&Amazed (we shot their wedding in 2011) have just absolutely blown us away.. they are AMAZING!!! I absolutely love them and they are taking pride of place in our office forever and ever..
It's been a pretty exciting and hectic month.. here's to a slightly less hectic April..
agnes and norman,
life lately,
Lucy In Disguise,
Rachel Simpson
sneak peek and falling in love..
Saturday morning I'm going to be totally honest.. I had the fear. We hadn't shot a wedding for quite a while and we were about to jump in to a double wedding weekend.. and I knew that the next time we would be coming up for air would be around.. well.. October time. It felt slightly overwhelming.. and you 100% feel the anticipation and the weight of the amount of responsibility that you're carrying.. I definitely felt it that morning..
48 hours, two weddings and 5000 images later and I am star shaped on my hotel bed.. totally exhausted and indescribably happy. After Saturday's wedding me and Pete walked back to the car with all our gear and I turned to Pete and said 'I was made to shoot weddings'... coming away from this weekend I can't stop smiling.. we watched two couples so excited about getting married, so excited to have everyone they love around them and all their guests literally giddy to be a part of it.. every single person made us feel so welcome.. we laughed and cried and danced and captured everything.. we didn't want to miss a thing.. and that's the best part.. looking back over the images I can't help but feel so incredibly lucky, blessed.. (whatever the right word is).. to be able to be a part of it.
We hadn't actually met Tamara and Jonno in person before Saturday but looking through their images I can see Tamara.. the way she uses her hands, her mannerisms.. I can see Jonno.. the way he talks and smiles.. I know them.. and in just one day, it might sound silly but we totally fall in love with them... and I know why.. because each and every one of our couples have the most incredible sweet hearts that we just can't help it..
The fear has now been completely replaced with pure giddy excitement and now I just cannot wait to get to know more sweet couples and fall in love with them too...
48 hours, two weddings and 5000 images later and I am star shaped on my hotel bed.. totally exhausted and indescribably happy. After Saturday's wedding me and Pete walked back to the car with all our gear and I turned to Pete and said 'I was made to shoot weddings'... coming away from this weekend I can't stop smiling.. we watched two couples so excited about getting married, so excited to have everyone they love around them and all their guests literally giddy to be a part of it.. every single person made us feel so welcome.. we laughed and cried and danced and captured everything.. we didn't want to miss a thing.. and that's the best part.. looking back over the images I can't help but feel so incredibly lucky, blessed.. (whatever the right word is).. to be able to be a part of it.
We hadn't actually met Tamara and Jonno in person before Saturday but looking through their images I can see Tamara.. the way she uses her hands, her mannerisms.. I can see Jonno.. the way he talks and smiles.. I know them.. and in just one day, it might sound silly but we totally fall in love with them... and I know why.. because each and every one of our couples have the most incredible sweet hearts that we just can't help it..
The fear has now been completely replaced with pure giddy excitement and now I just cannot wait to get to know more sweet couples and fall in love with them too...
sneak peeks,
What are you all doing this Sunday?? Come see us!! We're going to be at the Eclectic Wedding Extravaganza in Birmingham from 11am until 4pm!!
EWE is the UK's most unusual wedding fair filled with unique wedding suppliers who like to do things a little differently.. think Back to the Future wedding cakes.. tattooed wedding dresses.. batman shoes.. :)
We'll be there.. Shutterbox Films are gonna be there.. The Couture Company, Veronica Dearly, AVA Styling, Chris Barber.. AND Pete's band The Rebel Party Band!! We can't wait.. and we have been planning something a little special when it comes to our stand.. hee hee.. let's just say.. we're picking a part of it up from one of our very special couples today.. yey!
So if you fancy it.. come and hang out.. I have a feeling it's gonna be a good day!
EWE is the UK's most unusual wedding fair filled with unique wedding suppliers who like to do things a little differently.. think Back to the Future wedding cakes.. tattooed wedding dresses.. batman shoes.. :)
We'll be there.. Shutterbox Films are gonna be there.. The Couture Company, Veronica Dearly, AVA Styling, Chris Barber.. AND Pete's band The Rebel Party Band!! We can't wait.. and we have been planning something a little special when it comes to our stand.. hee hee.. let's just say.. we're picking a part of it up from one of our very special couples today.. yey!
So if you fancy it.. come and hang out.. I have a feeling it's gonna be a good day!
wedding fair
two years..

I still can't seem to say the word 'husband' without giggling first and then feeling this enormous sense of pride. Every time I look at him I actually cannot believe how lucky I am. I simply adore the guy. A week before the wedding Pete finished at his old job and this little business became officially 'ours'.. and that's what it is.. this business is 'us'... it's not me... it's not my business.. we are a complete team and over the past 2 years we've looked after our couples together... we've road tripped every weekend together..we've shot weddings together.. we've planned workshops together.. we've moved to an office space together.. we've made decisions together and I wouldn't want it any other way.
I adore sharing this huge, exciting and incredible adventure with this crazy guy. He gives the best hugs.. he loves to dance.. he sometimes laughs so hard he sounds like Mutley.. he burps ALL the time.. and sometimes forgets that they're loud and that he is in a public place.. he's a bloody amazing cook.. he totally brings the party, he has an incredible set of pipes, he has me crying laughing, he can chat to anyone, his eyes are the most beautiful blue and he supports me in every single thing I do.
Pete I would marry you over and over again.. you are the absolute nuts.

Emma & Pete from cine8 on Vimeo.
sneak peek..
This lady has a heart full of love for everyone and yesterday she had a room full of love for her...
It was an absolute honour to photograph Tom and Laura's day.. oh man.. I might cry again..
It was an absolute honour to photograph Tom and Laura's day.. oh man.. I might cry again..
sneak peek,
boudoir.. {part two}
Maaaan.. I could take photos of lauren all day.. this is part two of our Boudoir shoot (you can see part one here) and a huge thank you again to Jodie for beautiful hair and makeup and of course the lovely Jo from The Couture Company who supplied us with the gorgeous corset and the beautiful dresses..
This was definitely a very different feel to the morning shoot but equally enjoyable.. I think I like shooting Boudoir..
This was definitely a very different feel to the morning shoot but equally enjoyable.. I think I like shooting Boudoir..
The Couture Company
I wanted to be completely free with this shoot.. with light, my processing, film, digital.. and of course with Lauren. We wanted to keep it simple.. I didn't want it too posed.. too shiny.. too dressed up. I wanted to show real.. because to me real is so beautiful..
This is Boudoir to me...
I want to say a huge thank you to Jodie for the beautiful hair and make-up and Lauren for being amazing and trusting me.. they are two wonderful ladies and I adore working with them. There is also a part two to this shoot to come...
This is Boudoir to me...
I want to say a huge thank you to Jodie for the beautiful hair and make-up and Lauren for being amazing and trusting me.. they are two wonderful ladies and I adore working with them. There is also a part two to this shoot to come...